Industrial Penitentiary of Piraquara - Progression Unit

Refers to a proposal of Public Private Partnership presented by the State Secretariat of Public Security, through the Penitentiary Department of Paraná (DEPEN). The purpose of the proposal is the construction and operation of an industrial prison, located in the Piraquara Penitentiary Complex, which has in its structure an industrial kitchen for the preparation and supply of meals that are served to convicts, provisional inmates and servants who are in units of the DEPEN and Civil Police of Curitiba, as well as the Metropolitan Region, in addition to a restaurant-school for teaching and professional qualification of inmates and production of organic food in the agricultural area of the Agroindustrial Penal Colony. A restaurant should also be implemented to serve the visiting public of the Piraquara Penitentiary Complex and the community in general.

The main objective of the IPP-PU proposal is the effective performance in the resocialization of the convicts offering work and study, through the employability in all stages of the meal preparation and professional qualification in the restaurant-school. Furthermore, planting organics in the area of the Penal Colony and the restaurant to serve the public will ensure a greater return to the private partner.

In August 2019, at a meeting of the Council of the Paraná Partnership Program (CPAR), the inclusion of the proposal in the PAR was authorized and currently the Secretariat of Public Security is conducting the bidding procedure for the contracting of feasibility studies.